We are a sustaining member and ‘premium partner’ of the non-profit association Engineers Without Borders e.V. (EWB) and enjoy a close working relationship in our common mission. Besides providing financial aid, we set great store by supporting selected projects to which we can contribute our professional expertise in the fields of architecture, IT, logistics and production planning.
We regularly host workshops where our experts put the students’ ideas and plans to the test to help ensure reliable results. This gives them the security of knowing that they are on the right path with their activities. In return, we can be sure of having made an important contribution to the progress of EWB’s worthwhile projects.
io supported the project the Eluthumadduval bakery project “Bread for perspectives” in Sri Lanka on the one hand with a monetary donation. In addition, we verified the elaborated concepts and plans for the construction of the bakery within the framework of a workshop.
Experts from io's Catering/Healthcare division were able to help with the further procedure and concrete planning of the canteen during a workshop for the project “Beaumont - Future for children” in Haiti.
In the "Hydroélectricité Idjwi" project, io assisted EWB in costing and scheduling the run-up to the initial construction project phase.
Founded in 2004 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Engineers Without Borders academic association today counts 360 members. The future construction engineers, architects, mechanical engineers, information scientists and industrial engineers have set themselves an important global goal: to improve the quality of life and the prospects of disadvantaged individuals.
To this purpose, the group not only crosses geographical borders, but also uses every opportunity of exchange and international cooperation across the various disciplines. This is always with the objective of helping people to fend for themselves with regard to water supply and disposal, food supply, accommodation, energy supply, mobility, communication, employment and income.
io contributes to the NCT Run every year, whether they do just a few laps, a 10k run, or a half marathon – every contribution counts.
io has been running a Christmas gift campaign in cooperation with the Luise Scheppler-Heim, a youth welfare home in Heidelberg, since 2016. Every year, our employees make a Christmas wish come true for each of the residents.
io has been running a Christmas gift campaign in cooperation with the Luise Scheppler-Heim, a youth welfare home in Heidelberg, since 2016. Every year, our employees make a Christmas wish come true for each of the residents.